Tuesday 17 May 2011

Back to life, back to reality.

Ten hour library days and tofu dinners. I really want to write up my Chernobyl adventure, but guilt may stop me doing so for another week perhaps. Back to revision, grey scummy skies and watching Twin Peaks curled up in bed. At least if I fail these exams, my ginger, chili and garlic tofu is a success, therefore I win at life. Sort of.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Fantasy Fulfilled.

My squeaky clean nike air max lite arrived today to my pleasure, bought for the bargain haggling price of £12 on a second hand website. Not only is my pre-teen footwear fantasy fulfilled, but it also allowed me to compile a suitably Eastern-European looking outfit on my first day back in Manc. I was surprised by how popular Nike and Adidas shops were there; it seemed like wearing a completely matching Ali G style tracksuit was the epitome of western cool or some sort of status symbol.
Paired with these hideous marjuana print socks from Ebay and my vintage German jumper, I think I would've fit in far better with the double denim crowd in Kiev in this ensemble, instead of the queer looks I recieved being clad in American Apparel.


Soviet Spoils: Return from the land of mullets & double denim.

My trip to the Ukraine was stupendous. I shall be wittering on about it when my head is less fuzzy from 12 hours of cross-European travelling, all done on minimal sleep and a meagre cheese sandwich. Cigarettes were so cheap we bought them for metro change. My week was spent drinking 40p beers outside next to the fountains, picking up old pictures of Soviet space propaganda and Kazakh settlers in cobbled-street markets. Welling up with awe and gawping at icing-cake buildings and golden domes. Loading up on sour borsht and delicious Ukrainian pastries. And now it's back to sunny Manchester and the revision grind...
Here are some pictures of my beautiful spoils.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Monster fashion

As I uncovered my favourite child hood books from home I started to think that the dreary colour schemes had a resounding influence on my clothing choices. That and my fascination with the disgusting that has culminated in more adolescent pursuits now, like listening to the Butthole Surfers and watching Embarrassing Teen Bodies. I forgot how amazing Fungus the Bogeyman is. With these two and Haunted House I was always destined to be a child who couldn't resist mutilating Barbie and engaging beanie babies in strange cross-breed-with-dinosaur-toys-orgiastic fun.


In approximately twelve hours I shall be started my snail journey to Kiev, and eventually Chernobyl. I feel really lame but...I'm kind of scared. Trying to laugh off my distinct lack of travel insurance.