Wednesday 17 August 2011

Buffy Makeover

Before our Makeover
With lack of anything better to do, I got together two of my best friends on a quest for cheap beauty fulfillment. We ventured into the previously uncharted territory of 'Sally Nails', a paradise of plastic talons, tacky hair accessories and carcinogenic chemicals. Once we'd all chipped in for a load of bleach and some Barry M nail polishes we went to mine to ruin our folicles and watch Buffy episodes. My Buffy obssession has reached unhealthy heights lately as I have no other form of entertainment whilst in Whitley, but it did give me the shining inspiration for our gothtastic makeovers. I was always ashamed of being massively into the Buffster and her scooby gang as a tween. I always wanted a Buffy backpack but giving in to any memorabilia would have been a bullies dream, now my love for my sci-fi sista is back and it's loud and proud.


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