Monday, 24 January 2011

Best post haul of the year

Two-headed "freaken-duck" from Etsy, the highly anticipated Slutever Zine, and a postcard from Dad, aww.

As I peered into the shallow metal hole that is the glorious communal post box this evening on the quest yet again for eternal revision procrastination, I spied that it was full to the brim of sweet goodies just for me. I'm a fan of taxidermy and after trawling ebay for some affordable creeps this two-headed dude waddled onto the horizon for a student-loan kind of price. I also treated myself to the latest Karley Sciortino zine when student finance crossed my palms with silver. She's pretty much the reason I started reading blogs, as a distraction during my AS Levels in that wonderfully naive sixteen year old spring, when I discovered Vice magazine and sex and therefore thought that as a combination of the two she was totally the coolest thing ever. With her disgustingly candid tales of drug addled sexcapades and squat romps aplenty she pretty much stood for everything the sixteen year old me would want to aspire to when I was older. Perhaps if I wasn't such a weedy wimpish type I could've persued that dream, but for now I shall settle down to some revision and gaze at my taxidermy to gather some sense of excitement. Sigh.

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