Monday 14 March 2011

Enter The Void.

Invite a beautiful boy round. Get high. Watch Enter The Void. Try not to get so stoned that you become vegetabley introverted and fall asleep by half eleven. Dream the most beautiful, horrific, soul-destroying dreams. This is what I saw beneath my eyelids...
Enter the Void is a masterpiece. Watch it if you get itchy and angry and agitated at watching Jake Gyllenhaal stuffing his uninspired sexual organs into an emotionally sterile Anne Hathaway. Watch it if you thought Bambi's mum dying could've been pushed a little further, or that Renton got off too easy at the end of Trainspotting. If you want to be challenged and terrified and beaten around and sexually aroused. If you're yearning to be given a visually orgasmic, cinematic representation of all the terrible and wonderful contents of the cosmos . Or any Gaspar Noe film for that matter. Reach for the cosmic, Enter the Void.

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