Thursday, 24 March 2011

Oxfam: Pins & Needles launch

I did a community project, how wholesome am I?

Or rather I would be if it wasn't a compulsory part of my degree course, and I hadn't been stinking drunk by nine. I spent all day leading up to it hyperventilating and baking charity cupcakes, so I think it's quite impressive that despite my neurotic dysfunctions and ugly cooking skillz we managed to make £100 big ones. 
Had actual fun between menial and degrading tasks, which included announcing the 30 second long "fashion show", persuading two rat-arsed and highly irritating boys to cough up once they'd barged in, guarding monstrous looking cupcakes and repeatedly whining, "But it's for charitttty"...I kept slipping out to have a cigarette and drunkenly shmooze when I had the strange realisation of having invited practically everyone I've ever slept with...spooky.It was really sweet having all my Mancunian favourites all together where I could see them too, dressing them up, emotionally blackmailing them into modelling, and humiliating them by making them parade around in smelly old vintage clothes. Awww, I love you guys!
 We had it at the Castle Hotel. It's super pretty in there and serves delicious real ales like Old Tom, which has a picture of a winking cat on the pump and is £1.90 for half a pint of 9% proof yumminess. What more could you want! Some cool djs and bands also played, including Burning Buildings, The Youth Anxiety, and The Revolutionary Spirit. Watch out for Pins & Needles II soon...

All photos kindly taken by Edwin Dorley-Brown

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